Thursday, March 24, 2011

Free Readings 11am est March 24th “Messages” with Katherine Glass | Beingwithronash's Blog

Free Readings 11am est March 24th “Messages” with Katherine Glass | Beingwithronash's Blog

Call live at 424-757-1425

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Great Memories

Great Memories

Sometimes having a great memory can be a disadvantage. Having the memory of ten elephants, as my Uncle Danny confesses to having can cause problems. It may be the very thing that restricts us absent of necessity.
As I think back to childhood and reflect upon a story I was once told about a baby elephant at Roger Williams Park Zoo in Providence this fact becomes increasingly clear. After all, elephants are well known for the extent of their memories. Many have heard the expression, “An elephant never forgets”. What if we never forgot? Could we truly move ahead and continuously strive for our goals as we concentrate on our past or would we be continually restricted by past attempts?
Let us think of that baby elephant for a moment. I’m certain that he tried repeatedly to break free of his restraints when first tied. However, after many attempts he began to accept the fact that he was not strong enough to escape from his bounds. Then he believed that every further attempt would be futile. Eventually the young elephant stopped trying.
Overtime his reality changed, but his illusion didn’t. Although he had grown exponentially larger and stronger the memory of the young elephant’s failed attempts were etched deep in his mind. “I can’t do it” became his reality; grounded in stone and etched in his mind by his vivid memories.
Today that elephant has the power to push through walls. He could very easily pull up that stake or break loose from the rope tied to his leg. Yet, his memory of the past foiled attempts is so strong that he chooses to no longer try. Today he is much more capable than he was in his youth, but his strong memory now restricts him.
You see, a strong memory is not always a good thing especially if we allow it to restrict us. We all have many memories; some good and some bad, but when we fail to purge the bad we fail without trying. It is our responsibility to take the time to evaluate our current situation, to take account of all that we have been blessed with this day and utilize our God given abilities in order to propel us forward into the Promise.
We are ever changing, continuously growing and more capable every day. What once disabled us in our past often become the tools that enable us in the Now. Today we must take into account the strength we have today and concentrate on the limitless possibilities that exist in every “Now Moment” to come.

Signal Strength Excellent

Signal Strength Excellent

I guess it is best to start at the beginning. The problem is that no one really knows where that is. We can only speculate as to where all this; the essence of what we are first came into existence. In truth we are an ever expanding consciousness on a journey which I could only refer to as an infinite ascension.
So, how did I come to be exactly who I am and where I am at this precise moment in what we only perceive as time? Are the happenings in our life only a random string of coincidences? Could every situation and circumstance in our lives be by chance; a lucky or not roll of the proverbial dice or do we determine consciously or not what our lives will be?
How did I become an author, a father, a husband and an on air personality? Who set the pace for my journey? Could I be the one; working with God and the Universe to create my own experiences? Has my unintentional use of His laws brought me to where I am right now? How has my intentional use of these laws combined with the power of God’s energy contributed to the massive accelerations of my dreams and visions?
Being exists in this moment, in this time! From this moment we have the incredible credible ability to create through the Creator of all things. (John 14:12) I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.
The secret is in allowing, recognizing and connecting with the Source of all things. We all have the ability. We are all capable. The choice is ours! We can either wag the tail or let the tail wag us.
It is time to take the ancient knowledge which has been passed to us from generation to generation and put it to use. Through the study and practice of these God inspired works we can and will save this world from the lies and confusion that we have blindly accepted as unchangeable reality.
Can we truly sit back and accept hopelessness? Should we turn our backs on Truth and continue to follow the map to destruction? Will we continue to ignore the signs of the approaching storm and refuse to accept the lifeline we have been given?
It is really the simplest method for achieving a desired outcome, but what we truly pray for can only manifest if we follow the Guide to the letter. The recipe to all that we desire exists! The active recipe is pure unadulterated faith. (Matthew 21:22) And whatever you ask for in prayer, having faith and [really] believing, you will receive.
Now I am connected; living by the numbers so to speak. God’s angels are ever surrounding me; guiding me to my next step. The pieces are in place; it is only on me to make the next move towards promise.
Will fear rule and bind us in the chains of self imposed oppression or will faith in God and the Word of God be allowed to accelerate our progression? I can see the wilderness before my eyes. My heart races with anticipation. I am protected, loved and guided by Truth. I race fearlessly into the dense forest with the greatest of anticipation of the treasures ahead.

8pm Unity with Eric Peterson and Cherie Fisher 9pm Messages with Darshini 3/12/2011 - Being with Ron Ash | Internet Radio | Blog Talk Radio

8pm Unity with Eric Peterson and Cherie Fisher 9pm Messages with Darshini 3/12/2011 - Being with Ron Ash | Internet Radio | Blog Talk Radio

Free Readings March 18th at 11am est “Messages” with Medium Sherry Hopson

My work that I have the most passion for is a soul’s pattern from life time to life time and the emotional issues that attract them into the life that they are in now. The DNA patterns that are developed on the other planes and outer chakras still attached from traumas in other life times creating illness in their current life. Healing people from long time multiple lifetime patterns is very rewarding.
I also have other abilities. Talking to those crossed over and crossing those that are sometimes not willing to go and finding out why. Closing demonic portals and cleaning homes on the spiritual plane. I love working with people's Guardian Angels and what they are wearing and what they have that is giving them their special abilities in this life time.
The ability that i am working on right now that I want to master next is being able to locate missing children. Hopefully soon I will be able to have some positive results with that endeavor.

Free Readings March 15th 11am est on "Being" with Joseph LoBrutto III Call 424-757-1425

Free Astrological Charts and Readings with Astrologist Tisch Aitken March 16th 11am est 424-757-1425

With hunger at her heels. And freedom in her eyes...

I am a professional Astrologer, and I write articles for websites. I have done thousands of readings, and I have learned a lot about myself through my clients. Do what you love and love what you do.

Free Readings March 14th 11am est "Messages" with Katherine Glass 424-757-1425

I love LIFE and all the beauty that it holds. I love to laugh till I hurt! Music Music Music...singing, dancing, drumming. I love nature, to walk, to sit in gratitude there. I am close to Walden Pond a magical place. Spiritual awakening is my passion
My passion is metaphysics and spirituality...personal growth and healing. I am a working psychic medium, an empathic clairvoyant, clairaudiant, and energy healer. Vegetarian. I love the spirit realm and feel very connected to it. Stars, angels and guides. My family is my heart. I love to travel...especially the UK. I love to learn new skills. I am a graduate of the Barbara Brennan School of Healing Science. I attend a college in England where I continue my studies in psychic development and mediumship. I love my clients and feel honored to be a Light worker serving the planet and spiritual growth here. I love God and the Goddess with all my heart.