Sunday, December 18, 2011

World Renowned Megastar Darshini In Spirit December 20th 9pm EST on Being with Ron Ash Call 424-757-1425

True knowledge evokes wisdom. Wisdom is knowledge in practice. Selective knowledge facilitates error. In Spirit is Truth. Darshini in Spirit will help you find the answers you seek. Darshini sees! Internationally renowned claircognaitive and spiritual guide Darshini has a refreshingly honest and candid style that contributes greatly to her ability to council, heal and guide. Motivational speaker, author, teacher…Experience Darshini in Spirit at 714.348.9994 or visit

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World Renowned Megastar Tonya Melendez December 22nd 9pm EST on Being with Ron Ash Call 424-757-1425

Tonya Melendez believes Tarot is an ancient form of counseling rather than fortune-telling. For her a reading captures the essence of the moment as experienced by the client, picking up on influences or lessons from their past and showing possibilities for the future.
Love, career, relationships, money….. Let Tonya help you find the ANSWERS to LIFE’S many questions from an intuitive, spiritual perspective.
Tonya is a licensed Spiritual counselor, with many years of practice and clients all over the World. She has known she was psychic as a child and has been growing her gift for over 20 years. She brings years of study with renowned teachers; Rev. Michael Beckwith, Edwene Gaines, Mary Manin Morrissey, Cheryl Richardson, Neale Donald Walsh, Rev. Jennifer Hadley, Sonia Choquette, Colette Baron-Reid, James Van Praggh and many more.
In addition, she is a healer and psychic medium, bringing messages from loved ones who have passed away, crystal healing therapy, chakra balancing and teacher, and she is also a certified yoga instructor.

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Canadian Superstar Holly Hall December 21st 9pm EST on Being with Ron Ash Call 424-757-1425

9pm Astrologer Holly Hall
As a 3rd generation psychic,Holly Hall uses Dreams and Astrology to tap into my clients “spirit destiny.” Each of us has an inherent challenge to face, as well as fortune and strengths. Astrology could be just the nudge you need to get you moving down that path toward personal evolution.We have free use of the energy around us, and each of us resonates differently with this energy at different times. You will find that Astrological council can guide you so that you can take full advantage of your energy field and “Have the Life You have Always wanted!!” I also have the advantage of helping you tap into the ~Universal all knowing Collective Mind~ through the interpretations of your Dreams.

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Internationally Known Medium Sherry Hopson December 23rd at 9pm EST on Being with Ron Ash Call 424-757-1423

Medium Sherry Hopson
9pm Messages with Medium Sherry Hopson Are you seeking guidance and clarity in your life? Internationally known Psychic Medium Sherry Hopson can guide you to a brighter future. Access your Akashic records revealing soul patterns that will help enable you to change your life, Or connect to your angelic guidance, spirit guides or those who have crossed over. Schedule your private session today at 760-521-2027 or at

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World Renowned Psychic Medium Joseph LoBrutto III Live at 9pm EST Monday December 19th Call 424-757-1425 to Participate

9pm Joseph LoBrutto III
Free Readings with Joseph LoBrutto III. Bridge the gap between earth and the spiritual realm of existance. Join author and psychic medium Joseph LoBrutto III for a multi dimensional journey of transformation. Communicate with deceased loved ones, the ascended masters, spirit guides, angels and other spiritual beings or ask about career, relationship or lifepath.
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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Being with Ron Ash with Chris Kerson on the film "Cost of a Soul"

Wounded in the war, Tommy Donahue and DD Davis return home from Iraq to the slum neighborhood they grew up in. Tommy returns to his wife, Faith, whom he abandoned while she was pregnant to escape a life of crime. Tommy meets his disabled six-year-old daughter, Hope, for the first time, and she begins to melt his frozen heart.
While DD struggles to make an honest living, his older brother, Darnell, has risen to become the neighborhood kingpin. DD faces the pressure to save his younger brother, James, from following in Darnell’s dangerous footsteps.
Tommy and DD find themselves trapped in the same slum they joined the military to escape. As they struggle for redemption, their own families become entangled in a web of crime, corruption and violence.

and receive a free copy of "Being" by Ron Ash

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Rhonda G. Manning Psychic Medium December 5th 9pm ET on Being with Ron Ash Call Live 424-757-1425 to Participate

Rhonda G. Manning

I serve as a conduit to contacting your spirit guides, finding out your past lives, and communicating with deceased loved ones. I help you with understanding your life lessons and purpose through life path readings. Along with my guides and yours, I assist you in realizing your highest truth: Who you are and why you are here.
Everyone has varying degrees of psychic abilities. We exist in a multidimensional reality that we can access via different forms of focusing energy. Energy is vibration and everything carries its own unique vibration similar to a thumbprint. Intuitives have varying abilities to tap into and utilize this energy for information. Thus, it is important for you to understand "how" a person is giving you a read and what to expect for the type of read they are doing. I have access to most of the psychic sense doors. I am a clairvoyant with telepathy. This is sometimes known as clairvoyant (seeing mental movies or images) and clairaudient (hearing inside my mind's ear).
I also have medium abilities which means I can communicate with passed over loved ones and access guides and spiritual helpers. I also have empathic abilities which allow me to feel in my energetic body your feelings, energy areas in your physical body, and the feelings of guides and spirits that will be working with us.

The Challenge of Change

Occasionally we get a bit confused. Sometimes our heart tells us one thing, but our head tells us something else. We want to do what is right logically and we want to do what our soul tells us is right as well. It may even feel like something larger is telling us to move on and let go of the old in order to fulfill our Divine Destiny.
I guess we have to ask ourselves what our Divine Destiny is and work backwards from there.  Perhaps we must get a clear understanding of exactly what that looks like in order to gain an understanding as to what parts of our present will fit into our desired future.  What of the old will fit in with the new?  “No one sews a patch of unshrunk cloth on an old garment. Otherwise, the new piece will pull away from the old, making the tear worse.  And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the wine will burst the skins, and both the wine and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins.” (Mark 2:21-:22).  So what of the old?  It’s not as if we can totally discount what these people’ places and things mean to us.  We have responsibilities and have a strong sense of what is an honorable or dishonorable decision.  Is it alright to follow our heart when our mind is telling us that it is wrong to do so?
Isn’t this really just our perception of right and wrong?  Could we be hurting the very people we are trying to spare the pains of our actions?  It’s possible that by putting off our decisions that we are in fact stalling their experience and hindering the growth of their soul and spirit.  We would be hurting them by protecting them from the perceived outcome associated with our actions.  The probability or our hindering their Divine Destiny now becomes very apparent.  Are we protecting them from hurt or are we protecting ourselves from the challenge of change?
Change is a challenge.  After all, we are creatures of habit.  Few like change in career, finance or relationships.  Most opt to stick it out for as long as they can regardless of the lack of fulfillment, disillusionment and even physical pain associated with these.  We are so afraid of the change we yearn for that we fail to act.  Yet, eventually the Universe will act on our behalf and force us out of our current situation and I’m sorry to say that many times this eviction will not be painless or pretty.  So, how do we know if larger forces are at work in our lives?
Since we resist change and have the tendency to move away from truth we often make recognizing Universal influence difficult.  Things are falling away and apart in our lives and or lifestyles are changing.  We attribute this to the actions or inactions of those around us instead of looking at the true culprit who is us.  You see, Ego is a tender bruise from an affliction brought on by another, but when we are the cause of the wound a deeper cut is what we are left to contend with.  Bandaging it up and hiding it away will not heal the wound unless we allow the air to get at it.  It’s easier to air our grievances against others than it is to address those which stem from our own manifestations.  We are creative beings that continually create what will soon be our experiences.  The thoughts, feelings and emotions of the past sooner or later will be the experiences of our future.  The fact of the matter is that everything we are experiencing right now is a direct result of all the choices we have made in the past.  The good news is that we can change the flow of the river of energy that dictates what will be our lives at any time.  The decision is ours to make.  Will we work with or against the flow?
The Universe will take away from us those things which are restricting us if we choose to resist its direction.  Therefore, if your job is becoming unbearable you will either leave it or it will leave you.  The same thing can happen in regards to our relationships with family, friends and relatives.  These things will all eventually Time Out.  Picture this, we are at the ocean and we put together a makeshift raft and head out over the roughest serf.  The waves are banging against us and slowly but surely all the pieces that make up the raft begin to give way.  We hang on tight to whatever we can grasp onto and are brought back tired and beaten to the beach we started from.  What we resist will persist!   A common posting at most beaches gives us directions on how to avoid being drowned by a rip tide.  Our instincts will tell us to fight against it, but the best way out is, don't panic. Swim on a diagonal. You might think you are not making progress, but that's the way out of a rip current. You will soon be able to swim to shore. (CBS News)  Fighting to stay in is usually a sure sign that we need to find our way out.
Are we subject to Destiny or Free Will?  The short answer is yes.  We can either move towards or away from our Divine Destiny.  I guess out biggest problem is that we think we know what we want and believe we know how we are going to get there.  Every day we ignore the opportunity to swim diagonally out of the rip current and instead fixate on fighting against it.  We gather up the things of old and attempt to carry them and us into where we believe we need to be only to get knocked back to where we started from.  Could it be that we were moving away from our Divine Destiny?  Most likely this is the case.  We set the intention and now the flow of the Universe is accommodating the manifestation of our desires in a way we cannot see.  As our patience wears thin and we try to force things to happen when and the way we want them to happen; we are tossed back on the beach and made to wait.  We don’t like to wait, but often doing nothing is one of the most important things we can do.  The key is to make the most out of this time by working with the Creative Source.
Contributing to the flow of God’s Energy is the best use of our time.  Understanding how we are One with the Creator is the key to efficiently manifesting our desires.  So what in the world does it really mean to be in the Flow?  Well, being in the flow means that we are working with the Universe to create what we desire.  Source wants us to receive and counts on us communicating via our words, thoughts and emotions in order to facilitate the creation of what will be our experience.  Again, we have to make a decision.  Do we move towards or away from our Divine Destiny?  What can we take with us and what must we leave behind?  Will these things work with or against our dreams and will our dreams and ambitions work with those who are currently in our lives?
Let’s get back to where we are.  We know why we are here and what we need to do spiritually to get to where we want to be, but we are unclear on how we will get there.  Perfect!  We have recognized the things that no longer work for us and we realize that we should not take these into our future.  Even better!  The things we perceived as being dishonorable were only our perceptions related to the actions we presumed would be hurtful to others and in fact were only protecting us from the change we desire.  This above all: to thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man. Farewell, my blessing season this in thee!  (William Shakespeare). Wow!  That being said, now what?  Exactly!  Now is the secret that will bring us to the next level in our infinite ascension.  Now is where creation takes place.
What do we want to create?  Think about it very carefully before you answer.  We are now standing in a pool of still water and once we decide what direction we are moving in Source Energy will begin to flow that way.  Picture yourself in a round swimming pool twelve feet round and three feet deep.  Begin to walk clockwise around the edge of the pool.  Accelerate slightly with every step.  Soon the flow of the water will create a current which helps you along.  As you continue your steps will get fast until you are practically running around the pool.  Now lay back into the flow of the water.  What happens?  The flow of the water begins to take you.  If you fight against it you will only exert energy wastefully and if you go with the flow it will take you without any effort at all in the direction you originally initiated.  If we stood in the pool and walked around in all different directions the flow would have never started.  This is why we need to know exactly what we want and make a decision to take the steps necessary to initiate the flow that will take us there.  Moving backwards will exhaust us!  Taking the things that work against us will only serve to hinder the flow.  Letting go and having faith is what will propel us forward in the direction of our dreams.
The only thing we can take with us when we ascend is the knowledge and wisdom gained from our experiences.  Our physical experience here on earth is only a small part in the grand scheme of things.  We must not live our life subject to the perceptions of others.  It’s our experience and they need to let us have it as we need to let them have theirs as well.  We have reached a point in our lives where a decision must be made.  Do we continue on and go with the flow we initiated or do we succumb to the perceptions we have regarding good verse bad, right verse wrong and weak verse strong?  In honoring ourselves we honor others by allowing them to experience and experience what is necessary for their soul’s development.

Change is a challenge, but keeps in mind “We are all just one small adjustment away from making our lives work.” (Paul Rudd). 

Friday, December 2, 2011

Tonight 12/2 at 10pm ET Rev. Shar on Being with Ron Ash Call 424-757-1425 to Participate

A2Zen.FM Host
Rev Shar
Friday 10pm ET
 Join Rev. Shar for light hearted yet deep exploration of the limitations we all experience in patterned living. Shar's intuitive ability will help you gain empowerment by illuminating repetitive patterns that are holding you back. Join Shar and her guests as they see beyond the surface to explore the depths from within. Her esoteric approach will amaze you as she explores the ever widening state of human consciousness with other fringe thinkers and alternative health professionals. Call in and join in these mind blowing conversations or for an intuitive look at the limiting patterns in your life.
As a graduate of The Silva Method, a Reiki Teacher, Ordained Minister and Spiritual Counselor, Rev. Schwengler has developed the experience of seeing beyond the surface to explore the inner depths of consciousness.

Being with Ron Ash with Angela Levesque 12/02 by The Being Talk Radio Network | Blog Talk Radio

Being with Ron Ash with Angela Levesque 12/02 by The Being Talk Radio Network | Blog Talk Radio

 As a Certified Exercise Physiologist, Energy Healer and  Mind/Body Educator for persons with chronic illness, Angela understands the importance of creating balance within the body.  Her aim is to bridge the gap between our current western medical system and evidence based spiritual and metaphysical practices.   Angela hosts a web-based radio program called On Health & Healing on .  The focus of her show is to inform and educate her listeners on the varying medical models, healing modalities and the importance of self care and personal responsibility in healing. Angela is also a well respected educator teaching classes in meditation, mind/body weight loss and mind/body medicine for cancer survivorship.  She is currently finishing on her first book about healing chronic illness through the mind/body/spirit connection.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Being with Ron Ash with Tonya Melendez and Shar 12/01 by The Being Talk Radio Network | Blog Talk Radio

Being with Ron Ash with Tonya Melendez and Shar 12/01 by The Being Talk Radio Network | Blog Talk Radio

9pm Tonya Melendez Tonya Melendez believes Tarot is an ancient form of counseling rather than fortune-telling. For her a reading captures the essence of the moment as experienced by the client, picking up on influences or lessons from their past and showing possibilities for the future.

Love, career, relationships, money….. Let Tonya help you find the ANSWERS to LIFE’S many questions from an intuitive, spiritual perspective.

Tonya is a licensed Spiritual counselor, with many years of practice and clients all over the World. She has known she was psychic as a child and has been growing her gift for over 20 years. She brings years of study with renowned teachers; Rev. Michael Beckwith, Edwene Gaines, Mary Manin Morrissey, Cheryl Richardson, Neale Donald Walsh, Rev. Jennifer Hadley, Sonia Choquette, Colette Baron-Reid, James Van Praggh and many more.

In addition, she is a healer and psychic medium, bringing messages from loved ones who have passed away, crystal healing therapy, chakra balancing and teacher, and she is also a certified yoga instructor.