Monday, August 6, 2012

Being with Ron Ash with Jason Miller August 7th 9pm ET 424-757-1425

9pm Jason Miller's life-changing book goes far beyond simple "money magic." This is a tome of true financial sorcery that will teach you to blend magical and mundane actions to ensure success no matter what life throws at you. Jason Miller’s (Inominandum) interest in the occult was sparked by a series of psychic experiences he had when he was just five years old. He took up the practice of both High Magick and Hoodoo Rootworking while still a teenager, learning how ceremonial and folk magick can work together and compliment each other. 
He has been involved with a number of orders and groups over the years, always seeking the quintessence of the arte. He has traveled to New Orleans to study Hoodoo, Europe to study Witchcraft and Ceremonial Magick, and Nepal to study Tantra. Miller is a member of the Chthonic Ouranian Temple and the Sangreal Sodality, as well as an initiated Tantrika in the Nyingma and Bon lineages of Tibet.
He is the author of Protection & Reversal Magick: A Witch's Defense Manual and the Strategic Sorcery blog. He is also a regular contributor to Behutet magazine.

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